keeping your family well

monitor and detector

explore to find our series of smart home monitors and detectors suitable for controlling and monitoring of indoor air quality, ideal for keeping your family well and healthy  


reading feature

detect smoke

reading feature


reading feature

detect gas leak

reading feature


reading feature

low power

little consumption


reading feature

easy to use

design feature

eco° air monitor

wifi ready

air quality monitor

our series of wifi ready air quality monitors features a stunning smart design, with built in functions to detects temperature, humidity, white noise, PM2.5 and carbon dioxide level

eco° co2 detector alarm


carbon dioxide

our series of carbon dioxide controllers features coloured light indicators for easier identification of carbon dioxide level, available with touch buttons and can easily mounted on walls or stand on any services

eco° gas detector


gas leak alarm

our series of gas leak detectors is ideal for residential homes uses with alarm sound level reaching 85dB, applicable for propane and methane detection, sampling method: free diffusion

eco° smoke detector


smoke alarm

our series of smoke alarm detectors features alarm modes of both light and sound, with sound level reaching 85dB at 3m distance, offering easy installation and effective detection

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