clean home, better living

clean air ventilator

explore to find our series of clean air ventilator with superior purification air technology, delivering heat and humidity recovery into indoor spaces

clean up to 99%

design feature

remote control

design feature

indoor air filter

design feature

carbon dioxide


outdoor air filter

design feature

positive indoor

indoor positive pressure

dc motor

design feature

AQI monitor

air quality index monitoring

eco° clean air ventilator

pm2.5 sensor

clean air ventilator

our series of PM2.5 clean air ventilators features purification of up to 99% with HEPA filters, superior efficiency, high performing heat and humidity recovery rate

eco° clean air ventilator

carbon dioxide sensor

clean air ventilator

our series of carbon dioxide sensor ready clean air ventilators features four processes in one device: fresh air delivery, energy recovery, HEPA purification and carbon dioxide detection

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